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Writer's pictureFox Redsky

Scorpio and Eclipse Season

Scorpio and Eclipse Season is asking stop remove what is no longer needed

The Lunar Eclipse of November 8, 2022 is an opportunity to ask ourselves what we are holding onto that is no longer serving us. This eclipse is visible from North America, although the Moon will be setting during the eclipse for observers in eastern regions. The Moon will enter the penumbra at 3:01 A.M. EST on November 8.

The energy of this eclipse suggests that it's time to let go of old relationships, things that no longer serve us, or even people who have been holding us back for too long. It's time to let go of whatever it is that isn't working anymore, so we can focus on creating new beginnings and new experiences!

We are also being asked to release our need for control over our lives and surrender ourselves to the flow of life instead of resisting it. It can be scary to allow yourself to feel so out of control at times, but if you're willing to take a leap of faith into this unknown territory—and trust that there's something bigger at work here—you'll find yourself more fulfilled than ever before! While this may seem like a lot to digest, it's actually quite simple: You don't need to worry about trying to control everything that happens in your life. Instead, focus on doing what you can with the resources you have at hand—and trust that the universe will provide for all of your needs! While this may seem like a lot to digest, it's actually quite simple: You don't need to worry about trying to control everything that happens in your life. Instead, focus on doing what you can with the resources you have at hand—and trust that the universe will provide for all of your needs!

The law of attraction is a powerful tool. It can help you manifest anything you want in life—but only if you use it correctly. Just be mindful this too shall past. What isn't meant for you is leaving for a reason. It's not always easy to see why things happen the way they do. We tend to be creatures of habit and like things to stay the same around us. But sometimes, when we least expect it, change is exactly what's needed—and that can be hard to accept at first. But if we're willing to see the silver lining in every cloud, and look for the good in every situation, even when it seems like there is none—we can learn from our experiences and grow stronger from them. Many blessing this Lunar eclipses are a time for us to work on ourselves, to reflect and make changes in our lives. They're also a time when we can learn something new about ourselves or our relationships with others. It's easy to get stuck in your old ways of thinking, feeling and behaving—but this is the perfect opportunity for us all to let go of anything that no longer serves us or bring more light into our lives.

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